Announcing Our Cloud Types Ebook

Hey cloudspotting friends! Today we’re excited to launch something we’ve been working on the past several months, a cloud types ebook titled ‘The Complete Guide to the Different Types of Clouds and How to Identify Them’.

It’s an 80+ page guide that discusses the basics of learning the ten cloud types and dedicates a number of pages to each type of cloud. Best of all, the ebook is available to download for free. You can get a copy of the ebook emailed to you by going here:

The guide is an extension of our website and includes the following.

Our best hand-picked photographs. Over the past several years, we’ve been taking a lot of pictures of clouds. The photos that have been chosen for the ebook are the best examples of each cloud type that we could find. There are over 40 original photographs included.

Cloud type descriptions. A summary of each cloud type is provided, describing best how each cloud can be identified.

Several cloud facts. Some facts about each cloud including its cloud level and altitude, Latin translation, abbreviation, and more.

Comparing similar cloud types. Can’t tell if the cloud you’re looking at is altocumulus or cirrocumulus? We’ve included some updated pointers to help you make the distinction from one cloud type to the next.

An introduction to cloud subtypes. Did you know there are 34 subtypes that can be used to further classify a cloud? Beyond the ten cloud types, there are fifteen cloud species, nine cloud varieties, eleven supplementary features, four accessory clouds, and five other kinds of clouds.

This ebook offers an introduction to the various subtypes that are associated with each cloud type. If the concept of cloud subtypes is new to you and you’re learning about this for the first time, we’ve designed a cloud identification chart that can help you visualize all cloud types and subtypes in a single infographic.

There are a handful of cloud identification handbooks that can be purchased on Amazon. We’ve pretty much bought them all. A select few are great, but we’ve found that many of them are either outdated, wordy, have black and white photographs, or simply inaccurate. Our hopes are that this ebook is visually appealing, concise, accurate, and fun to read.


Cloud Identification Posters by WhatsThisCloud