Homomutatus Cloud: Caused By Human Activity

Definition: A transformed variation of homogenitus clouds that takes on a more natural appearance

Description & Characteristics. With homo translated from latin meaning human and mutatus translated from latin meaning mutated from, the ‘homomutatus’ cloud formation is found in three cloud types: cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus. The proper cloud classification abbreviation for this cloud type is ‘Ci homut’, ‘Cc homut’, and ‘Cs homut’. They describe a cloud that forms from a human source (homogenitus) but has mutated into a cloud that has a more natural appearance.

After aircraft contrails persist for a certain amount of time, there’s a chance that upper-level winds push and morph these into clouds that appear completely natural. Should a contrail eventually turn into comma-shaped cirrus clouds (uncinus cloud species), you’d classify them as cirrus uncinus homomutatus. Should the contrail break up into high-altitude cloudlets, you’d classify them as cirrocumulus homomutatus. And should a contrail can even persist long enough to become fibrous cloud layer covering a large portion of the sky, you’d classify the cloud as cirrostratus fibratus homomutatus.

Homomutatus Cloud Types

The homomutatus cloud is associated with three cloud types: cirrus, cirrocumulus, and cirrostratus.

High, wispy streaks

High-altitude cloudlets

Pale, veil-like layer