Other Clouds: The 5 Other Kinds of Clouds

Get to know 5 other kinds of clouds

These five cloud below can be considered the misfits of the cloud world. These are the clouds that are created with the help of either humans, fires, waterfalls, or forests. And they’re all pretty cool clouds in their own unique way.

Illustrated below are the five ‘other’ kinds of clouds. Clicking on a cloud illustration will lead you to a page that will provide you with a description, photograph examples, and illustrations of each cloud. Each illustration includes the cloud type (abbr.) that the cloud is associated with. The orange dot under the cloud type abbreviation indicates the specific cloud type that’s portrayed in the illustration. ⛅

Waterfall condensation and spray

Pyrocumulus, caused from fire

Caused by human activity

Mutated from a homogenitus

Evaporation from a forest