Feature Your Cloud Photo On Our Instagram
Share your clouds with our Instagram followers ⛅️
We’ve had quite a few people reach out and ask if we’d share an image of theirs over our Instagram account. Let’s make that happen! We’re looking to share a cloud image or two of other cloud enthusiasts once a week each Friday. This will give you the opportunity to share your love of clouds with our followers and will give us the opportunity to share clouds from individuals all over the world.
To be featured, below are three requirements that we’ll look for.
A quality photograph. The photo should be high quality not contain any watermarks. Photos without obstructions (telephone wires, metal fences, radio towers, etc) are preferred. We’d like to keep our Instagram account’s aesthetics consistent and would like to do the same with these featured posts.
Cloud focused. The image’s subject should be a cloud, or it should be at least be a focus of the photograph.
Identifiable kinds of clouds. Photos that display a great example of a cloud type, a cloud species, a cloud variety, or a cloud feature will be given preference. Our Instagram account is trying to help individuals learn to easily identify and classify all different types of clouds.
If your image is chosen to be shared on our account, a post will be created featuring your Instagram profile along with a date, location, and a brief description. Additionally, an Instagram story featuring your cloud and profile will be created.
As a note, images you submit will only be shared on our Instagram account and will not be used in any other way unless given permission. Doing this is an attempt for us to get to know and work more closely with our followers, give you the opportunity to expand your reach, and share awesome examples of different kinds of clouds.